Supporting your partner through weight loss surgery

Deciding to undergo weight loss surgery is a major decision, your partner, friend or family member will do much better with your support.

We know that once someone develops a weight problem, it is very hard to get rid of it. Diet and exercise work only for 1-2% of people in the long term. However having a surgery without changing your diet or starting exercise does not work either. Eating unhealthy food into a small stomach is enough over time to regain a lot of weight. To lose weight and keep it off requires most people to 1) eat clean, 2) engage in some moderate exercise, 3) have a weight loss operation – skipping any of these 3 and the body usually works out how to regain weight.

How you can help

1.  Be supportive

Your partner is about to undergo significant surgery, being alongside them in a supportive way can make all the difference

2. Don’t judge

Please understand that your partner is not doing this as an ‘easy way’ out. They are choosing surgery because it is their only chance at long term weight loss.

3. Help them change habits

The more changes your partner makes after their surgery, the better their chance of long term success. Work with them and encourage them with this. Some practical things you can work through are:

  1. how does the family eat – healthy eating as a family will help your partner eat better
  2. exercise – helping workout how to increase the amount of exercise you and your partner do – try and do this in a way that will work long term, not just short term

Please watch the below video – it can help you understand some of the struggles people have with weight

Contact us on (02) 4380 8404 to chat to our friendly team to book your consultation appointment with Dr Peter Hamer and get your health back on track.


Source: World Health Organisation

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